How to support the association:

1) You are a business (SME or other)

► If you are interested in a collaboration (patronage, sponsorship, sponsorship, etc.), we are at your disposal to meet you and present Clarinet Edition and its activities in more detail.

(Image positive pour l'entreprise et possibilités de déductions fiscales pouvant atteindre 60% du montant du don effectué Voir dossier PDF )

Contact :

2) You are an individual, musician or music lover who passionately loves the clarinet, you can :

► Join the association

Amount of the contribution: 14 euros for one year.

Advantages: 10% reduction on the price of scores purchased locally. personal title / an invitation for the next event organized by the association

► Make a donation to the association. (Possibilités de déductions fiscales de 60% du montant du don effectué. Voir dossier PDF)

► Order scores on the association's website

Contact :

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How to order Selling conditions
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